Your Heart Matters: Knowing the Coronary Artery Disease

coronary artery disease


Author: celina maghrebi

Published: March 19, 2025

In this modern world of high technological advancement, with daily many activities to catch up with, it is evident where people wish to go without struggles. But what if you face a narrow road on your path that ends in a traffic jam? Well, this can be a real hiccup and, at times, can lead to negative outcomes. The same is the case with your heart. This small organ in our body not only pumps blood but ensures oxygen reaches every corner. But even a minute block on the way can impact this essential function.

Such blocks are usually caused by Coronary artery disease (CAD). It is a heart condition which leads to such blockage in heart. Caused by fat deposition, this blockage can hamper our daily lives and can impact functionality as well. This is a growing concern among the Indians and needs to be addressed quickly. Timely attention to CAD can prevent the condition from worsening. However, so many questions revolving around CAD need to be answered to ensure the right treatment at the right time.

Read this blog to get details on Coronary artery disease.

Knowing Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary artery disease is one of the forms of the heart condition. It is prevalent in many individuals. Under this condition, the blockage of arteries through fats known as plaque is developed. This reduces the chances of delivering oxygenated blood to the heart muscles and organs. This restriction causes social consequences that in most cases are fatal. While this is true, it is equally critical to be aware of the variations as well. The types are as follows:

Stable Ischemic Heart Disease: This is a heart disease that is realized when there is convergence of the ‘pipe’ arteries. It leads to some kind of burning sensation and pain in chest but it can be managed with the help of some medicine and treatment.

● Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS): Here blood flow to the heart can be reduced within the least time possible. This is considered as a situation that triggers heart attack, hence, should be considered as an emergency case.

● Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease: This is a process that takes time to be achieved; for that reason, it is reasonable to refer to it as the process of evolution. There are small deposits of plaques on the blood vessels, and these serve to reduce the blood that is supplied to the heart and thus raise the propensity of heart attack. Now that you know its types, lets find the symptoms and treatment options.

Exploring the Symptoms of CAD

Coronary artery disease takes time to develop. There is a chance that symptoms will not be noticed at the early stages. Some of the usual symptoms that you might notice are:

● Chest pain
● Shortness of breath
● Fatigue
● Burning sensation
● Heaviness and tightness around the chest
● Pain in the arms and shoulders
● Sweating and dizziness

Some other symptoms include:

● Nausea
● Weakness
● Abnormal heart rhythms.

This condition is more likely to occur due to:

● Heredity
● High cholesterol or blood pressure
● Atherosclerosis
● Vaping. Smoking or alcohol consumption
● Diabetes, autoimmune disease, kidney problems, or overweight
● Unhealthy diet
● Lack of physical activities
Stress, depression, anxiety
● Sleep problems

How to Diagnoise Coronary Artery Disease?

There are various tests to detect CAD. Some of the common diagnosis processes involved are:

● Echocardiogram
● Computed Tomography (CT) coronary angiogram
● Stress test
● Chest X-ray
● Blood tests
● Coronary calcium scan
● Cardiac catheterization

By evaluating the reports, the doctor can identify if you have the issue or not. Now, let us find the treatment options.

Know the Treatment Options

Every disease has multiple treatment options available. But knowing them is important to know which treatment you need. The prominent treatment options are as follows:


The first and most common option is to consider the medications. Now, if your blockage is at an initial stage and can be handled with blood thinners, then this is considered. Some of the common variations in the medication that are considered include:

● Anti-clotting medicines
● ACE inhibitors
● Beta-blockers
● Nitroglycerin
● Calcium channel blockers
● Immunosuppressants, statins
● PCSK9s

Surgeries or Invasive Methods

At times, the medicine might not be able to offer the expected solution, which will demand immediate intervention to prevent the condition from worsening. Some of the common invasive methods that are adopted are as follows:


Angioplasty is a common process used to treat Coronary artery disease. The blocked artery is cleared without cut-opening the chest. The steps usually followed include:

  • Inserting a thin and flexible tube with a balloon in the blocked artery.
  • Once reached inside, the balloon is inflated.
  • This expands the artery.
  • An expanded artery allows the flow of blood easily.

In some of the cases, a stent is inserted into the artery. The primary reasons to adopt this method are:

● The quick recovery since there are no cuts.
● Allows getting back to normal routine quickly.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

This process involves the grafting of an active and efficient blood vessel. This vessel is usually picked from any othe part of your body and grated to allow the blood to take a detour around the block. This allows the oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart easily.

This is a major operation. Some of the points to remember for this are:

● The patient must stay in the hospital for a week to ensure recovery.
● You would also need to take precautions post-surgery as the doctor prescribes.

At times, the patient would need to undergo the cardiac rehab program. This is a 12-week health program for those who have suffered cardiac arrest. This is to ensure that the patient is completely well.

Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease

Do you know you can prevent Coronary artery disease? Yes, with simple lifestyle changes, this can beavoided. The main ones to adopt today are:

● Eat a healthy diet.
● Limit alcohol or smoking.
● Ensure exercising regularly.
● Maintain a healthy weight.
● Manage and consider your stress levels.


Living a stressful life is quite common these days. This makes it important to take care of health. Early detection and proper treatment are key to managing Coronary artery disease effectively.  At the same time, with the advancement of technology, it is now even easier to identify abnormalities and pursue treatment on time. Going for regular checkups can reduce the chances of ailments to a great extent.

Remember, your heart is your lifeline, and taking steps to protect it today can ensure a healthier, smoother path for your future. Always consult with a medical professional if you suspect any symptoms to catch the disease before it advances.

Published by celina maghrebi

Platinum For Heart is your comprehensive source for all things related to heart health. We offer a wealth of knowledge on common heart attack signs and symptoms, along with essential precautions to prevent heart attacks.

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