Skull Crushers: The Key to Arm Strength

skull crushers
Source – Mens Health


Author: Amanda Mills

Published: October 7, 2024

Have you ever wondered how to build stronger arms? Skull Crushers could be what you are looking out for. This workout is excellent in muscle growth of the triceps region and can help achieve great arm strength. Moreover, if you incorporate Skull Crushers into your normal training schedule, you will notice some remarkable changes in your upper body strength. Now let’s find out more about the effectiveness of this simple exercise for you.

How to Do Skull Crushers

Skull Crushers are a very effective health and fitness exercise for the triceps and they are also known as lying triceps extensions, French Press, or Nose Breakers. Here is how you can perform them.


  • Lie down on a flat bench. Grasp a barbell or a pair of dumbbells in such a way that your hands are shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping the weights over the chest extend the arms in such a way that they are perpendicular to the torso.


  • Keep your elbows tucked in and pointed towards the ceiling. The upper arm must not move during the exercise.

Lowering the Weight

  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower the weights towards your forehead. Remember the position of the elbows must be retained in this exercise, if not the goals will not be achieved.

Lifting the Weight

  • Keep the weights just above your forehead for a few moments. Then, extend your elbows to lift the weights back to the starting position.


  • Do the same movement for the anticipated number of times that have been set. Make sure that you observe the necessary form so that you do not hurt yourself.

Benefits of Skull Crushers

Builds Tricep Strength

Skull Crushers are very useful in developing triceps in a person. This exercise provides tricep isolation that helps in developing greater mass and strength in the upper arms.

Strong triceps are important in carrying out various upper body movements and hence this exercise becomes an important one in any workout program.

Improves Arm Definition

Regularly performing Skull Crushers can lead to better arm definition. By isolating the triceps, this exercise helps to tone and shape the muscles, giving your arms a more defined and sculpted look.

This can be particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their overall physique.

Enhances Pressing Power

Skull Crushers can also enhance your pressing power. Strong triceps are crucial for exercises like bench presses and overhead presses.

By strengthening these muscles, Skull Crushers can help you lift heavier weights and improve your performance in other upper-body exercises.

Supports Elbow Health

Skull Crusher exercise can support elbow health by strengthening the muscles around the joint.

Strong triceps help to stabilise the elbow, reducing the risk of injury during other exercises. This makes Skull Crushers a good choice for maintaining healthy and functional elbows.

Versatile and Adaptable

Regarding the equipment used to perform the Skull Crushers, the possibilities are endless as either a barbell, dumbbell or an EZ curl bar can be used. Such alterability makes it easy to combine them into various workout plans.

In addition, you can change the weight and amount of repetitions depending on your fitness and personal goals.

Easy to Learn

Relatively speaking, Skull Crushers are simple to learn. Thus, even beginners can include this exercise in their workouts. With the right form and technique, you will be able to incorporate this exercise into your routine in no time and notice the effects.

This ease of use makes it a suitable exercise for people doing strength training for the first time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Skull Crusher Exercise

Using Too Much Weight

Over lifting is perhaps one of the most inappropriate and repeatedly held misconceptions in the course of performing the skull crusher exercise. This puts unnecessary tension on the wrists and, to a certain extent, the elbows.

The most comfortable way to approach the task would be to have an initially small weight and increase it over time. Using a weight that is excessive often results in losing proper form.

And thus results in reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. performing a skull crusher can also lead to misrepresentation of technique.

Incorrect Elbow Position

Another mistake is not keeping your elbows in the correct position. Your elbows should stay tucked in and pointed towards the ceiling throughout the exercise.

If your elbows flare out, it can shift the focus away from your triceps and put more strain on your shoulders. Keeping your elbows steady ensures that your triceps are doing most of the work.

Lowering the Weight Too Fast

This could be a very common mistake to lower the weight much more rapidly than it should be.

This can make the exercise less effective as well as predispose the individual to injuries. It is necessary for the effectiveness of the exercise to try to restrain the movement and to bring the weight down in a controlled manner.

Weight should not be brought down abruptly. Slow descent fully activates the triceps and amplifies the triceps development.

Not Using Full Range of Motion

Failing to use the full range of motion can limit the benefits of Skull Crushers. Make sure to lower the weight all the way down to your forehead and then fully extend your arms back up.

Using the full range of motion ensures that you are working the entire tricep muscle, leading to better results.

Improper Grip

Improper grip can be one of the challenges which can compromise your posture as well as the impact of the exercise. Your arms should be positioned at shoulder level with your hands holding onto the barbell/dumbbells tightly.

If the grip is not as strong as one can afford, or if it is not uniform in nature, it can result in displacement of the weight making it harder to manage thereby increasing injury risk.

Neglecting Warm-Up

Skipping a warm up is bad practice and can result in injuries. It is worth realising the importance of warming up before engaging in any physical activity especially skull crushers.

A proper warm-up is essential to enhance blood flow to muscle tissue during a workout session. This will prevent muscle pulls and other injuries associated with a workout without warming up.

Final Words

Skull crushers are an excellent exercise which will ensure that your triceps goes from being weak and flabby to muscular and well-defined.

Skull crushers are fairly easy to incorporate into your fitness regime and can help with extending the strength of your arms and upper body. Don’t forget about the correct technique, as it is the most effective way of achieving goals and preventing injuries.

Published by Amanda Mills

Amanda Mills is a seasoned digital marketer and accomplished content writer, known for her dynamic approach to creating engaging and impactful digital content. With over a decade of experience in the industry.

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